
turkey Ertugrulgazi Ilkokulu

Izmit - Istambul

Growing up with Values from Storytelling - Turkey - Ertugrulgazi Ilkokulu - logo
Growing up with Values from Storytelling - Turkey - Ertugrulgazi Ilkokulu - Kocaeli - School Building

Our school is located in the İZMİT district of KOCAELİ. It’s 1km far from İzmit city centre.

There are 10 classroom, 2 menager-rooms, 1 teachers’ room, 1 school counseling service room in our school. In our school, there are 12 teachers and all of them work in cooperation with each other, who are experienced and idealistic. There are 218 students;108 boys; 110 girls in the school. Their parents mostly work at the factory.

Our educational point of view is to raise honest children with strong character, having country and nation love, caring for national and moral values; reading and observing; researching; adopting universal moral values; questioning, self- sufficient, respecting others, aware of his/her own responsibilities all of which aims are suitable for general and specials purposes of our country’s education system.

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Growing up with Values from Storytelling - EU Flag

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.