Portugal – World Food Day celebration

Banco Alimentar de Braga

On the 16th of october, the World Food Day was celebrated.To celebrate this last fortnight, there was a campaign to collect food to be delivered to the Braga Food Bank.The final product was selected by a group of children from the different classes, guided by their teachers and donated to this charity institution, which will distribute it to those who need it the most.With this campaign, we cement values ​​by which we have been guided since our creation: solidarity, sharing, humanity, civic spirit and mutual help.

Portugal – Humans right short film

Equality between people, opportunities and rights. To ensure that we are all equal, there is a Universal Declaration of Rights that states:

“Human rights are inherent rights of all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other condition.”

Everything that makes us different is insufficient for us not to be equal in rights. The richness of the world is in the freedom of thought, culture, in the way of dressing, being and feeling.

We celebrate Mother’s Day with some activities basis on the Universal Declaration of Rights.
