To mark the Value of Freedom we set May 6th as a Play-day for children to freely explore playing.
January 21 – Freedom
Greece – Play questionnaires
Playtime is a crucial part of a child’s emotional, social, and physical development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. Survey for parents, to see how their children play at home and the quality of play – P38 activity
Portugal – Play-Day
Our school organize a play-day in our outdoor space for children freely explore playing.
Portugal – The Colourless Tiger
Pupils read and interpreted the story of January 2021, month of Peace. Then, they coloured the Tiger with different paiting techniques.
Bulgaria – Freedom to Play
Romania – World Freedom Day
Third grade students dedicated an important moment to World Freedom Day (January 23). The story of January within the Erasmus + Project inspired them: they drew, composed texts on the theme of freedom, sang, played and expressed their opinion about this subject.