Pupils read and interpreted the story of January 2021, month of Peace. Then, they coloured the Tiger with different paiting techniques.
Mês: Março 2021
Turkey – Commemoration
Acceptance of Turkish National Anthem and Commemoration Ceremony of Mehmet Akif Ersoy.
Romania – Justice
The students of the 4th grade participated with interest in the activity dedicated to the World Day of Social Justice (February 20). They listened to the story proposed by Greece – “Little Red Bear”, watched a PPT, expressed their impressions through drawings or literary creations that they shared with colleagues.
Turkey – Honesty Story
We read the honesty story with our students using the brainstorming method.
Then we watched the video of the story with our students.
Bulgaria – Baba Marta and Martenitsa

Portugal – Story Crosswords
Pupils read and interpreted the story of November 2020, month of Friendship, with a Crosswords exercise about the characters and meaning of the story.
Romania – Reading Together
The International Day of Reading Together is a global event attended by millions of people and is held every year in February. Reading aloud is a way to develop lexical skills, and children will love books and stories. Today, the second grade D students read together with the international community and we want this holiday to motivate us and read together, at home and at school, every day! We promise we will continue!